Saturday, January 23, 2010


Today's class was cakes, did you know that the process for making Italian Butter-cream is ridiculously long? Adding butter one lonely piece at a time is a major undertaking. The results are well worth the effort providing that you don't break the cream and need to start from point one, today I was the one of the lucky one's. With the addition of a little almond extract and some orange zest I managed to pull of a great tasting frosting.
This was a good day My cakes turned out fairly well, as did the rest of the class. I do have to say that when all was done at the end of the class: you could all but tell who the talented decorators are. Some did an awesome job and others not so well. However everyone has great potential, and with a little practice will do very good things in the world of cake.
Just remember that if it looks good taste it!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Todays soups and sauces class

Let's begin with our mayonnaise experiment, Today we learned that it is indeed possible to make a mayo from scratch in as little as one min. Unfortunately not so well for me. I just couldn't get it to thicken. Even after adding a little heat, still no luck =( We learned a valuable secret which has to do with the egg.It seems if you !7%fg#4 the egg it works quite well.
Hollandaise sauce, This on was more my speed I had a little problem when it thickened up a bit too much, but patients pays off, oh with the help of a little h2o thinned it right out and gave me a smooth velvety texture.
I would not call the day a great day, it seemed I had an enemy in the room today and that enemy one. The for mentioned foe just so happened to be my own hands, well the one doing the cutting anyway, not only did this well prepared opponent win; but he beat me up both mentally and physically. Not with a single cut but when the smoke cleared and the battle over he unleashed a total of 4 wounds,one of which proved to be the finishing blow.
If we keep going and learn from our mistakes, we can only grow wiser and more knowledgeable in all we do.

keep cooking, and taste everything.
p.s. be nice to your knives